How kind are you to yourself?

When last did you give yourself time to simply do what you most want to do? What if you think about what you really want to do as being vitally nourishing, rather than self-indulgent? What if it changes your life? Have you ever just stopped? Whispered “I can’t anymore…”. Gently withdrawn, and simply walked away? […]

Grow towards the light

Throughout our lives, as we respond to our changing circumstances and strive to fully express ourselves, we are shaped into interesting characters. We have the ability to make subtle internal shifts and change our course, just like a cactus that unrelentingly grows towards the light.

Tap into your creative essence

Creativity Workshop Date: Saturday 30th October Time: 10am – 1pm Cost: R350 (Excluding materials) Venue: Online using Zoom Hosted by: Indigogreen ( What is unique about this creativity workshop? Many people experience a lot of anxiety, and even torment, relating to the creative process. I have come to realise that it doesn’t have to be […]

What are your art making struggles?

I started my business, and am developing courses and content, with the aim of helping artists in their struggles with everything related to the artmaking process. By this I mean the stuff around the actual art that is made (or not made). When we teach or study art – formally or informally – we tend […]

Release your potential

While in a contemplative state, I sometimes like to just gaze at an artwork. My artworks communicate to me in so many ways, with a relevant message for each moment. Today I was reminded that you cannot hold on forever. You need to risk and release. May this be true for you this week. With […]

Give all that you can to Life

I watched an interview yesterday on Marie (Forleo) Tv with Gary Zukav. They were talking about his new book “Universal Human”. In closing, he offered the following advice: “Give all that you can to Life”. Give – put it out there. Offer without attachment. ALL – don’t hold back. You – don’t worry about what […]

The relationship between real yoga and creative practices

When I first started yoga I approached it as a form of exercise, though it had been recommended to me by a movement therapist who felt that it would help me emotionally. It really wasn’t easy for me to surrender to yoga. I came from a distance running, swimming and aerobics background – I liked […]